pile 2017
“Advancement of Pile Technologies and Case Histories”
Bali – Indonesia, September 25-27, 2017

Hosted by :
Parahyangan Catholic University- Indonesia
Supported by :
Indonesian Geotechnical Society (HATTI)
International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Government of Indonesia, Deep Foundations Institute (DFI)
The International Association of Foundation Drilling (ADSC-IAFD)
Method of Pile Installation
Design and Analysis of Pile Foundation
Piles and Insitu Testing
Piles in Moving Ground
Negative Skin Friction on Piles
Piles in Liquefiable Soils
Pile in Problematic Soils and Non-Textbook Soils
Offshores Piles
Effect of Pile Installations on Surrounding Soils and Structures
Numerical Modeling of Pile-Soil Interaction
Quality Assurance of Pile Production with Various Field Problem
Auger Piles and Mini Piles
Energy Piles
Pile Static and Dynamic Test
Pile Raft Foundation
Case Histories on Pile Foundations
Innovation in Pile Technology
Performance of Pile Group and Pile Group Settlement
Issues on Pile Groups Efficiency
“Advancement of Pile Technologies and Case Histories”
Honorable Lecture :
Prof. Roger Frank
"Some Aspects of Research and Practice for Pile Design in France"
Bengt H. Fellenius, Dr. Tech., P. Eng.
“Design of Single Piles, Small Pile Groups, and Wide Piled Foundations”
Keynote Speakers :
Prof. Charles Wang Wai Ng
“Energy Piles: Challenges and Opportunities”
Prof. Ing. Alessandro Mandolini
"Lessons Learned from Careful Monitoring of Piled Foundation : Italian Experiences"
Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto
"Advantages of Piled Rafts Over Pile Groups Observed in Model Load Tests in Dry and Saturated Sand Grounds"
Prof. Sang Seom Jeong
"Skin Friction of Prebored and Precast Piles in Weathered Rocks"
Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov
"The Analysis of Field Tests of Soils by Joint Piles on the Construction Site of the Caspian Sea Area in Kazakhstan"
Prof. Ikuo Towhata
"Unsatisfactory Behavior of Structures Resting on Pile Foundation; Recent Experiences"
Sergei Terzaghi
"Pile Under Seismic Conditions: Some Case Studies"
Prof. Masyhur Irsyam
"The New Indonesia Seismic Hazard Maps and Related National Codes for Buildings and Infrastructures"
Prof. Paulus P. Rahardjo
"Problems of Pile Design and Construction in Indonesia and Lessons Learned from Measurement of Pile Behavior in Problematic Soils"