slope 2015
Advancement of Research, Practice and Integrated Solutions on Landslides
Bali – Indonesia, September 27-30, 2015

Hosted by :
Parahyangan Catholic University- Indonesia
Research Center for Geotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Science
Supported by :
Indonesian Geotechnical Society (HATTI)
International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
International Society of Rock Mechanics (IRSM)
International Consortium on Landslides (ICL)
Department of Public Work – Indonesia
Mechanism of Slope Failures in Soils and Rocks
General Landslides Studies
The importance of Geological Aspects on Landslide and Rockslides
Behavior of Soil and Rock for Slope Stability Analysis
Physical Modeling and Material Testing for Slope Stability Analysis
Dynamic Behavior of Soils and Rock for Slope Stability Analysis
Site Characterization for Slope Stability Study
In situ Testing and Monitoring for Identification and Study of Slope Movement
Climate Change and Land Use Impact on Landslides
Problems of Creeps Causing Slope Failures
Case Histories of Natural and Man Made Slope Failures
Earthquake and Liquefaction Induced Landslides
Landslides in River, Coastal and Submarine Environments
Stability of Dams and Landslides in Reservoirs
Design Aspects for Slope Stability
Slope Stability in Excavation and Embankment Works
Use of Piles and Ground Anchor for Slope Stabilization
Reinforced Earth Slopes Design, Analysis and Case Histories
Ground Improvement for Slope Stabilization
Outlook for New Technology in Slope Stabilization
Analysis and Debris Flows and Mudflows
Modeling of Slopes and Application and Development of Numerical Analysis
Probabilistic Slope Stability
The Use of Remote Sensing for Landslides Response, Monitoring and Mapping
Landslides Inventory and Landslide Hazard Zonation
Remedial Measures on Landslides and Risk Reduction Strategy
Monitoring, Prediction and Warning of Landslides
Risk Assessment and Control on Landslides and Urbanization
Policy, Legislation and Guidelines on Landslides
Capacity Development for Landslides Mitigation
Education on Landslides
Advancement of Research, Practice and Integrated Solutions on Landslides
Distinguished Presidential Lecture :
Prof. Kenji Ishihara
"Characteristics of Waterfront Landslides Induced by Earthquake"
Keynote Speakers :
Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati
“Capacity Development for Landslide Mitigation”
Dr. Surya Prakash
“Tools, Techniques and Technologies for Capacity Enhancement to Reduce Landslide Tisks and Promote Community Resilience”
Prof. Ikuo Towhata
“The Early Warning Technology of Landslide Disaster Mitigation; Implications of Rain-Induced Slope Failure in a Volcanic Island of Izu Oshima”
Dr. Surono
“Landslide Hazard Mitigation in Indonesia”
Prof. Harianto Rahardjo
“ Controling Factors of Rainfall Induced Slope Failure in Residual Soils”
Prof. Sang-Seom Jeong
“Susceptibility Assesment of Rainfall Induced Landslides; A Case Study of a Landslide in Umyeonsan (Mt.), Korea”
Prof. Deepankar Choudury
“Theory to Reality of Failures of Soil Slopes Including Forensic Analysis of an Indian Landslide Disaster"
Prof. Masyhur Irsyam
“Instability of a High Cut Slope of Volcanic Breccia Laid on Clayshale at KM. 31_875 in Central Java, Indonesia"
Prof. Paulus P. Rahardjo
“Behavior of Piles in Landslides and Slope Protection”